eed ul-fitr mubarak – may 13, 2021

Thursday May 13, 2021 will be eed ul-fitr. Long live al-aqsa and palestine.
Season’s Greetings – 2020

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone. With the pandemic disrupting every facet of our daily life, those on the front lines have arguably felt that disruption more so than everyone else. The Zainab (as) Organization would like to extend its gratitude to all the first responders, medical staff,...
wednesday 06/05/2019, is the 1st shawwaal ul-mukarram, the eed ul-fitr

taqabbalallaahu siyaamakum wa qiyaamakum wednesday 06/05/2019, is the 1st shawwaal ul-mukarram, the eed ul-fitr kullu aamin wa antum be-khayr may Allah make this eed ul-fitr mubarak to you and the entire ummah 10:45 am takbeeraat 11:00 am salat ul-eed 11:15 am khutbahs 11:45 am awards ceremony for Zainabeyyoon360 youth 1:07...
Respecting our neighbors
Flowers / peace message distribution at trinity Lutheran church. zainabeyyoon360 youth distributed the flowers and the message of peace to Christian neighbors at trinity Lutheran church.
Schedule for the Holy Month of Ramadhan

shahrullah il-a’zam the holy month of ramadhan **unless noted otherwise, all programs will be at the ZAINAB center** 4th ramadhan // thursday, may 9 7:45pm – tilawat ul-quraan 8:00pm – duaa kumayl 8:15pm – dua ul-iftitah 8:25pm – speech by h i maulana // majlis-ul-fatihah 8:58pm – saalat ul-maghribayn 9:20pm...
Monday, May 6, 2019 will be the first of the holy month of Ramadhan.

Asalamu Alaikum, Ramadhan month mubarak! Monday, May 6, 2019 will be the first of the holy month of Ramadhan. It is a month wherein you are invited to the feast of Allah and you have been made the exalted of Allah. Your breathing in it is tasbeeh, your sleeping in...