A message for our honorable christian neighbors

as-salaamu ‘alaykum in respect to our honorable neighbors and public officials in accordance to its yearly tradition of appreciating its neighbors, community servants, and public officials, ZAINAB a s organization hand-delivered gifts and holiday greetings to them on christmas-eve, as well as to the surrounding businesses. We extend our respect and gratitude to them, thank them for a great year, and...
Respect Neighbours

as-Salaamu ‘alykum Rasoolullah sallallahu alyhi wa aalihee wa sallam said: Whoever believes in Allah and the final day, must respect his neighbor In this holiday season, we request all the mumineen to please send this greetings card to your neighbors. We pray Allah increases in your taufeeq ul-khayr
Sunday, June 25th 2017 is 1st Of Shawwal – Eid Mubarak!
eed ul-fitr mubarak to all of you. sunday june 25th will be eed ul-fitr. schedule: 11:00 am takbeeraat 11:15 am salat ul-eed 12:15 pm program ends address: al mustafa center 1608 10th St Marysville, WA 98270 United States wassalam thank you Zainab a s program committee
Greeting Card: Eed ul-Fitr

In the name of the Most High Dear Neighbor, Salam (peace), Islam is the religion of love, justice and peace. On this happy occasion when muslims around the world are celebrating the “Eed ul-Fitr” after the holy month of Ramadhan, we would like to share our happiness and love with...
TO THE FAMILIES OF TALIESIN MYRDDIN NAMKAI MECHE & RICKY JOHN BEST, We at the Zainab (as) Organization of Greater Seattle would like to offer our deepest condolences to the families of Taliesin Meche and Ricky Best – both who were tragically and fatally stabbed on May 26th, 2017. In these...
Holy month of Ramadhan -Kids calendar by Maryam Hussain
Holy month of Ramadhan -Kids calendar