Prayer timings for state of Washington, USA
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Prayer Timings for Lynnwood
Latitude: 47.8211 degrees N
Longitude: 122.3139 degrees W
Qibla Direction:17.7 degrees East of North

How the prayer timings are calculated:
We are using the angle of 17.7 degrees for Fajr, and 4.5 degrees for Maghrib.

the prayer schedule has been calculated to the best of our ability. please allow a few minutes margin for fajr and maghreb prayers. if you are fasting refrain from eating or drinking at least a few minutes before fajr time for caution, and wait a few minutes after the maghreb time.

imsak means to abstain from all the mobtelaat of fast( invalidating acts), such as drinking and eating during fast period.

Time Format:

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